

1 August 2024 (Thursday), 6 pm
Parade from Dezső Baltazár Square to the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen

1 August 2024 (Thursday), 7 pm
Opening Ceremony
Reformed Great Church of Debrecen

2 August 2024 (Friday), 2 pm
Free Category B
Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

2 August 2024 (Friday), 3.15 pm
Free Category A
Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

2 August 2024 (Friday), 7 pm
‘Vivat, crescat, floreat!’ – Gala concert of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition
Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall


  • Máté Bella: Vivat, crescat, floreat!
  • Árpád Barabás: Dinók és emberek – world premiere
  • Zoltán Kodály: Pünkösdölő
  • Bence Kutrik: Puer natus
  • Dániel Dobos: Callis stellarum – world premiere
  • Lajos Bárdos: Cantemus!

– intermission –

  • Péter Tóth: Menyegző – world premiere

Lautitia Children’s Choir (choirmaster: József Nemes), Kodály Choir (choirmaster: Kocsis-Holper Zoltán), Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductors: József Nemes, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper and Zsolt Hamar

Tickets: 500 HUF registration tickets are available here

3 August 2024 (Saturday), 10 am
Children’s & Youth Choirs Category
Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

3 August 2024 (Saturday), 2 pm
Sacred Music Category
St. Anne’s Cathedral of Debrecen

4 August 2024 (Sunday), 3 pm
Grand Prize Competition and Award Ceremony
Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall

Tickets: 500 HUF registration tickets are available here

The Opening Ceremony and the categories of the competition are free of charge. For the other events, registration tickets for HUF 500 can be purchased at the Klassz Pont ticket office, the Kölcsey Centre ticket office, the Tourinform Office and via