
1 August 2024 (Thursday), 6 pm

Parade from Dezső Baltazár Square to the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen

1 August 2024 (Thursday), 7 pm

Opening Ceremony (Doors open at cca. 6.45 pm )
Reformed Great Church of Debrecen

2 August 2024 (Friday), 2 pm

Free Category B & A
Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

  • 14.00-14.20 Ensemble Coraux
  • 14.20-14.45 Cor Jove Amics de la Unió
  • 14.45-15.10 Imusicapella
  • 15.10-15.35 Arcova Vocal Ensemble
  • 15.35-16.00 Los Cantantes de Manila

2 August 2024 (Friday), 7 pm

‘Vivat, crescat, floreat!’ – Gala concert of the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition
Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall


  • Máté Bella: Vivat, crescat, floreat!
  • Árpád Barabás: Dinos and menk – world premiere
  • Zoltán Kodály: Whitsuntide
  • Bence Kutrik: Puer natus
  • Dániel Dobos: Callis stellarum – world premiere
  • Lajos Bárdos: Cantemus!

Lautitia Children’s Choir (choirmaster: József Nemes), Kodály Choir (choirmaster: Kocsis-Holper Zoltán);
Conductors: József Nemes and Zoltán Kocsis-Holper

– intermission –

  • Péter Tóth: The Wedding – world premiere

Gabriella Balga (soprano)
Kodály Choir (choirmaster: Kocsis-Holper Zoltán), Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra;
Conductor: Zsolt Hamar

Tickets: 500 HUF registration tickets are available here

3 August 2024 (Saturday), 10 am

Children’s & Youth Choirs Category
Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

  • 10.00-10.15 Joint Chorus Group of Toyama High School and Toyama Higashi High School
  • 10.15-10.30 Ss. Cyril & Methodios Choir of Thessaloniki
  • 10.30-10.50 Zoltán Kodály Youth Mixed Choir
  • 10.50-11.10 Ad Libitum Choir

3 August 2024 (Saturday), 2 pm

Sacred Music Category
St. Anne’s Cathedral of Debrecen

  • 14.00-14.20 Coro Monteverdi
  • 14.20-14.40 Ensemble Coraux
  • 14.40-15.05 Los Cantantes de Manila
  • 15.05-15.30 Imusicapella
  • 15.30-15.55 Arcova Vocal Ensemble
  • 15.55-16.20 Cor Jove Amics de la Unió

4 August 2024 (Sunday), 3 pm

Grand Prize Competition and Award Ceremony
Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall

Tickets: 500 HUF registration tickets are available here