Applications for the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition are required to be submitted electronically.
The application form must be filled in by subcategory. It must contain the required information, the competition programme, the number of participants and the recordings no older than 2 years.
Application deadline: 15 April 2024.
Application material is considered valid and complete when all necessary data and attachments have fully been sent electronically not later than the application deadline.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to refuse incomplete or delayed applications.
Conditions of participation
In accordance with the above rules, the BBCC will provide accommodation and breakfast for the competing choir members, choir conductors and two accompanying persons.
All additional accompanying persons will be catered for, but the costs will be borne by the competing choir.
The invited choirs will be accommodated in dormitories between 1 August (evening) and 5 August (10:00) 2024.
Should any choir wish to stay in a hotel, the difference in price between the youth hostel and the hotel has to be paid by the choir.
Breakfast will be provided at the accommodation for the invited choirs. All other meals shall be organised by the choir itself, but the Choir Competition will announce a list of restaurants offering reduced price meals.
Travelling expenses to and from Debrecen shall be covered by the choirs. Upon request, the organisers may assist with travel issues. During the competition, all means of travelling for the choirs – in Debrecen and to venues of concerts outside Debrecen – is arranged by the organisers.
Application and registration fee
After receiving a confirmation of acceptance of the application for the competition, invited choirs are requested to transfer the application & registration fee by 30 May 2024.
- Category A: the application fee for the first subcategory is 200 EUR, for each additional subcategory plus 100 EUR
- Category B: no application fee
Registration fee depends on the number of competing choir members, it is EUR 30 per person (in both Category A and B), which has to be paid after each performing choir member, choir conductor and 2 accompanying persons.
The fees should be paid to the following address:
Account holder: Kodály Filharmónia Debrecen Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
Bank name: MBH Bank Nyrt.
IBAN: HU24103000021328146600014888 (EUR)
In the comment box, please indicate: “[Choir name]; Registration fee BBCC 2024”
Other conditions
Choirs may not claim remuneration for their performances in connection with the choir competition, including radio and television broadcasts as well as film and sound recordings made during the competition, at the same time they relinquish all their performance rights.
As the Organizing Committee respects the privacy of the participants’ all personal data, video/audio recordings are handled in accordance with the rules and regulations of the European Commission’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We wish to call your attention to copyright responsibilities. Concerning the copyright and publishing rights of the performed works (except for the compulsory pieces), all responsibility shall rest with the individual choirs. The organisers shall not take any responsibility for any breach of such rights.
Concerts in Churches and Festival appearances
On the closing day of the competition (Sunday, 4 August 2024), all participating choirs are invited to sing during Church Services or Holy Masses of different religious denominations in Debrecen and its vicinity. Choirs may be invited by the Organising Committee to perform their competition programme or other pieces outside of the competition (in festival concerts, charity concerts, etc.).